Arthur Sahakyan

Senior Front End Developer

About Candidate


Bachelor's Degree in Informatics and Computer Science 2013-2019
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

Work & Experience

Senior Front End Engineer Feb 2023 - Present

Create a functionality to convert the HTML UI to Figma architecture, improve the Implementation of the AutoLayout and GridSystem in Figma, maintain already created features, create unit tests for improving the features quality, find the best optimized way to create a VirtualDOM and mutate it via some optimized algorithms like Traverse Tree, add supports for native CSSOM features in Figma.

Senior Front End engineer Apr 2022 - Dec 2022
Scylla AI

Creating dashboard web app with React.js, maintaining existing project, teaching juniors and managing their growth, designing and developing responsive web pages with ChakraUI, implemented Soket for livestreams, prepared query caching system with RTK query, implemented and used AWS S3 and Cognito

Senior Front End Engineer Mar 2021 - Apr 2022
SceonDev SXJ

Creating web apps with React.js, maintaining Admin Panel with ReactJS, designing and Developing responsive web pages with MUI, worked with Jira (Agile scrum)

Front End Developer Feb 2019 - Jan 2021

Developed Image, GIF, and video editor, implemented performance tuning techniques on stored procedures and back-end queries which resulted in a 50% improvement in application performance, creating new features, functionality, and capabilities on the architecture using SOLID principles, JWT, Axios, Immutable.js and Date-fns and so on

Front End Developer Aug 2017 - Dec 2018

Implemented a large application with mobile responsiveness, integrated and customized Material UI v5,, implemented a new responsive (react-jss), mobile-first approach which increased mobile traffic by 30%, collaborated with web designer, back-end developers and UX designers to design, build, test, and improve web products. Set up testing framework Jest. Worked in an agile environment with weekly stand-ups, kept track of user stories/bugs in GitHub project, 3h of sprint planning, and sprint retrospectives per week.

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